『【輸入盤CD】【新品】J.S. Bach/Mields/Feudel / Christmas Oratorio (2PK)【K2019/10/18発売】』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-198da2a4dcから出品され、469の入札を集めて04月18日 22時 19分に、5,374円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は5,374円でした。福岡県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
For many, the Christmas holiday season would be incomplete without the resounding drum roll and trumpet fanfare that opens Bachs "Oratorium auf die Heilige Weynacht" ("Oratorio for the holy Christmas"). Ever since it was first performed by the Thomaskantor between Christmas Day in 1734 and Epiphany 1735 in Leipzigs two main churches of St. Thomas and St. Nikolai, Bachs six part musical masterpiece has become a cornerstone of the citys identity and musical heritage. The performance presented here, led by Bachs 17th successor Gotthold Schwarz together with the Thomanerchor and the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, features a lineup of renowned soloists, enabling one to experience the festive grandeur of what many consider the epitome of Christmas music in its original setting. "Gotthold Schwarz transforms this into a Christmas Oratorio that is far more than a sum of its parts... his musical rhetoric avoids cheap gimmicks and vain showmanship." (Peter Korfmacher, LVZ)発売日: 2019/11/1輸入盤USレーベル: Accentus収録曲:コメント:For many, the Christmas holiday season would be incomplete without the resounding drum roll and trumpet fanfare that opens Bachs "Oratorium auf die Heilige Weynacht" ("Oratorio for the holy Christmas"). Ever since it was first performed by the Thomaskantor between Christmas Day in 1734 and Epiphany 1735 in Leipzigs two main churches of St. Thomas and St. Nikolai, Bachs six part musical masterpiece has become a cornerstone of the citys identity and musical heritage. The performance presented here, led by Bachs 17th successor Gotthold Schwarz together with the Thomanerchor and the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, features a lineup of renowned soloists, enabling one to experience the festive grandeur of what many consider the epitome of Christmas music in its original setting. "Gotthold Schwarz transforms this into a Christmas Oratorio that is far more than a sum of its parts... his musical rhetoric avoids cheap gimmicks and vain showmanship." (Peter Korfmacher, LVZ)
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