『ELLIPSE-ゴールド コンパウンド(ソフト)(2.2/4WD/FRONT) 2個入 [JC3198-05]](JAN:84593702102)』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-54f687370eから出品され、832の入札を集めて04月22日 18時 13分に、3,089円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は3,089円でした。佐賀県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
Fits – 2.2" buggy 4wd front wheelThe Ellipse, named after the center bar built into the tread, is a compliment to successful tires such as the Dirt Webs and Space Bars. The “Web” style tire was built to compete on smooth high-grip indoor and outdoor surfaces which require a finely detailed connected bar pattern. The center section of the tire is a home run utilizing a diamond “home plate” footprint to provide massive forward bite and increased longevity. The web of extensions are unique and have a directional touch giving the racer the ultimate tune-ability.The Dirt Web tire was originally released during the 2013 racing season and debuted in spectacular fashion with a win at the CRCRC Midwest Championships. Since that time, the Dirt Webs have been an industry leader for indoor performance and often chosen as a control tire for performance, reliability and consistency. During 2016, the Space Bars were introduced to a victory at the 1/10th Off-Road Nationals in the hands of Ryan Maifield in the 4wd modified class.Jason Ruona explains, “The Ellipse has a slightly tighter carcass, it allows the driver to attack high-speed sections with more comfort. The “home plate” and connected web of tread has more stability high-speed and holds the tire together for today’s high-powered vehicles. Connected tread wears significantly better which is useful racing indoors where a racer can break-in and race with the same pair all weekend.”The Ellipse tires are available in a huge selection of compounds such as blue, green, aqua, gold and the ROAR National Champion, silver compound. As a rule of thumb, blue and green are compounds conditioned to perform outdoors while aqua, gold and silver remain the favorites indoors. Included in each package, the Dirt-Tech closed cell inserts known for their durable nature and gray color complete the race tuned package.Features: Designed in conjunction with World Champions Ryan Maifield and Spencer Rivkin Ellipse center-bar control and support Diamond “home plate” design with extension webs 2.2” bead mounting size for compatibility Available in multiple compounds Includes Dirt-Tech Closed cell foam inserts
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